Wednesday, March 18

Wednesday "handcuffs edition" Rant

I once went out on a date with a guy that ended up being disastrous (not TOO disastrous, just really, REALLY not my type). The first sign should have been when he pulled up in his car, and on the rear view mirror there were handcuffs hanging.

Nope, he wasn't a cop in case you were wondering. He's part of that weird breed of Miami people that think that is somewhat cool.

I would have accepted over sized fluffy dice, but handcuffs? Seriously, WTF.


  1. This just took me back to my college days. I once went to a house party and in one of the rooms there was a bed surrounded with handcuffs. These were really long, and the scary part was that you could tell they were specially done for the owner. I imagine all the nasty things he must have done with them.

  2. Right up there with bullet-hole stickers and rubber testicles.
